Warkworth Ridge
13 July 2023
Needless to say, we’ve witnessed some extraordinary weather events in the past few months. We sincerely hope that you and your family fared well in the unthinkable weather we have experienced.
The Auckland Anniversary weekend floods counted as Auckland’s wettest day in history, largely thanks to what experts describe as, “A freak combination of elements, making it a standout event, even when set against major deluges of our last three years under La Niña.” (NZ Herald 28th Jan 2023) That, together with prolonged periods of rain, have totalled three times the yearly average over the past 12 months. That said, the predicted drier conditions in the coming weeks and months will be an invaluable asset in the development’s timely progress.

Development Update
Ensuing settlements are imminent, and the team have worked incredibly hard to get things moving and to the point we’re now at. Critical roading, the Matakana Link Road and Warkworth to Puhoi extension are open and running, providing significant relief to the area’s congested infrastructure. We’ve hit considerable milestones and landscaping has already begun, Warkworth Ridge is taking form.
Construction Update
Despite the unprecedented weather, our project team and contractors continue to perform exceptionally well under the conditions. And we’re happy to report, despite a remarkable 678mm of rainfall recorded in January alone, the site has fared well, with no compliance breaches or notable damage.
Our earthmoving partner, Bob Hick Earthmoving, has been making progress across the site with bulk earthworks. We are nearing 1,000,000m3 of bulk earthworks completed, an outstanding milestone in the project.
Certainly, due the incessant rain, the job has been problematic at times, and slowed to a degree. However, earthworks are substantially complete in stages 1B, 1A and 3A which will allow construction of the civil works for these stages to continue right throughout the upcoming winter.
We strategically looked at bringing the 1A and 3A titles to the market as soon as possible, which has meant great inroads have been made with the later stages of the development. This has however meant that some of the earthworks for 3B, 3C and 3D will now be completed in the next season, resuming in September.
A further update will be provided in Q3 of 2023. Our earthworks strategy is constantly revaluated and monitored by the project team and they’re doing their utmost to ensure continuity and as much of the earthworks can be completed to allow subsequent civils work to continue over winter.
We are close to completion for the watermain connection to Hudson Road. The large item infrastructure is being drilled underneath the current SH1, through the Warkworth Showgrounds and will be responsible for the water supply to Warkworth Ridge.
Our compliance record with the council remains robust. Despite severe weather events, our track record and relationship with the council has afforded us swift progression of the development with the council permitting us to maximise the scope of earthworks.
The off-site enhancement of some 5HA of stream rehabilitation and planting has been completed. A condition of the resource consent granted for Warkworth Ridge; this project will offset the ecological impact of the development. Additionally, we have retained significant trees and waterways in the area to maintain the site’s environmental integrity.
Planting of riparian margins, which is a strip of land running alongside the waterway and streams on Warkworth Ridge have commenced. Once completed; we will have planted over 150,000 plants across the development in total.
Anticipated Programme
Our civils construction partner, Dempsey Woods has made significant progress with the civil works on the first five stages- 1C, 2C, 2D, 2A and 2B and remain on target for a mid-2023 completion. Compliance with these stages is with the council to achieve settlements, and we’re fast tracking the process where we can. The Dempsey Woods team is near finishing the underground services and drainage and constructing the necessary retaining walls, footpaths, roads and joint owned access roads that will complete the development and make way for our housebuilding partners to commence work.
Stage 1B is well advanced with civils and is on track to be completed in late 2023. Stages 1A and 3A will benefit from a substantial push on resources as the first five stages are complete, which we anticipate will advance progress immensely over the next six months.
Physical work on the site will reach a conclusion in the coming weeks, marking the start of signoffs, compliance checks and inspections that will be completed in conjunction with the council. With this finalised, we’ll have the necessary paperwork necessary for titles.
We’ve been working closely with Northern Arena on their very anticipated proposed aquatic centre neighbouring the Warkworth Showgrounds. The proposed aquatic centre will encompass a gym, a 25-metre pool, two smaller pools for children and a café. Mahurangi Community and Sport Recreation coordinator, Ruth Mills told Stuff it will be a “Pool facility that provides for more equitable access and is in keeping with our goals of getting more people involved in sport and recreational activities.” Without doubt, the centre will constitute a long-awaited and valued part of the wider community. Construction is set to commence in the coming months.
Infrastructure Update
Matakana Link Road, Puhoi to Warkworth Expressway and Hill St upgrade.
Both sets of infrastructure signal an exciting phase in the growth of Warkworth and its surrounds. The expressway has put an end to the infamous bottlenecks at the Hill St intersection, and the completion of the Matakana Link Road offers a bypass to Warkworth and Hill Street for access to the Kowhai Coast. Spanning 1.35 kilometres, the Matakana Link Road connects Matakana Road and SH1. Featuring a stream crossing bridge, walking and cycling paths, wetlands and stunning landscaping alongside, the road has been a collaborative effort between Templeton, AT and Waka Kotahi. It’s already proving to be an invaluable piece of infrastructure, offering residents and visitors alike a much-improved driving experience.
We’ve been working closely with Auckland Transport to fast track the title process, which has proven successful to date. We’ve ensured the legislation of the Matakana Link Road has not delayed title issuing, a process which was successfully finalised in May. Now the Matakana Link Road is open, purchasers and the general public can travel the road and see the full scope of the well advanced Warkworth Ridge development- the landscaping along the corridor and the real progress of the first five stages made so far.
Additionally, it appears the upgrade of the Hill Street intersection remains in the council’s 2023/24 budget which is currently out for consultation.
We have just a few remaining sections remaining in the first stages. If you, your family or friends are keen to see what Warkworth Ridge entails, come and pay a visit to our display suite at 2 Clayden Road, Warkworth. By private appointment only.
Please contact Anthony, Joneen or Diana today if you’re interested in any of the available lots.